

Kodiak Launch Complex Status Summary

During preparation and planning for the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) Advanced Hypersonic Weapon (AHW) mission, an Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared as required under the National Environmental Policy Act. The EA and the Finding of No Significant Impact were provided to the public for review and comment prior to the mission (public was notified via […]

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Ahw Ft 2 Htt Environmental Assessment Release

The U.S. Army has scheduled a flight test of hypersonic technology from the Kodiak Launch Complex, Alaska to the Reagan Test Site, U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll. The Advanced Hypersonic Weapon Flight Test- 2 Hypersonic Technology Test is scheduled in the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2014. Support areas associated with this test include Sand Point, Alaska. Test objectives are to collect a

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Alaska Aerospace Corporation Aac Customer Environmental Assessment

Alaska Aerospace Corporation is supporting a customer whom has completed an Environmental Assessment (EA). This EA will be available to the public in the near future. Notice of the availability of the EA will be printed in the Kodiak and Anchorage newspapers and you can also check the AAC web site for updates. The link for the Environmental Assessment will be posted

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Alaska Aerospace Selects Sand Point Summer Launch Tracking Support

In anticipation of a late summer launch from its Kodiak Launch Complex (KLC), the Alaska Aerospace Corporation (AAC) will deploy a rocket launch tracking system in Sand Point, AK to monitor the rocket for flight safety during launch. AAC hosted a public meeting at the Sand Point School yesterday to discuss local impact of the Range Safety and Telemetry System (RSTS), to

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Alaska Aerospace Corporation Engineer Named Top 40 Under 40 Class

Jeff Roberts, aerospace engineer for the Alaska Aerospace Corporation, was named to the Alaska Journal of Commerce Magazine’s Top 40 Under 40 class of 2014, honored today during a luncheon at the Dena’ina Civic & Convention Center in Anchorage. Roberts, 36, joined the corporation in 2008. He is responsible for launch operations and business development, including the diversification of the corporation’s aerospace

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Alaska and Hawaii Announce New Space Partnership Relationship

Craig Campbell, Alaska Aerospace Corporation (AAC) President and CEO, and Jim Crisafulli, Hawai’i Office of Aerospace Development (OAD), jointly signed a Memorandum of Understanding today at the 2013 Hawai’i Aerospace Summit confirming their intention to establish a formal working relationship in state aerospace activities to serve the Pacific Region.  “This agreement provides Alaska with a tremendous opportunity to expand our capabilities to provide aerospace services in

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Governor Announces New Partnership Virginia Strengthen Alaska’s Space Industry

Juneau, Alaska – Governor Sean Parnell today announced the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell establishing a formal operating relationship between the Alaska Aerospace Corporation (AAC) and the Virginia Commercial Spaceflight Authority (VCSFA). “Alaska has been at the forefront of space launch for nearly 20 years,” Governor Parnell said. “With this agreement, we will be creating

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Alaska Aerospace Hires Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer

Alaska Aerospace Corporation recently hired a new team member to complement the management of the Corporation. Mark Greby started his new position on September 1 as Senior Vice President and Chief Operations Officer. Mr. Greby has spent the past 30 years in the Aerospace industry. A licensed Professional Engineer, Mark has worked for  several of the major players in rocket development and launch operations including, ATK

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Campbell Named President and Ceo Alaska Aerospace Corporation

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Craig E. Campbell was unanimously appointed as the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation by it’s Board of Directors at their meeting on September 20th. Pat Gamble, Chairman of the Board of AAC, said that “Craig brings a strong combination of entrepreneurship and leadership to Alaska Aerospace Corporation at precisely the time in the growth of the company that

Campbell Named President and Ceo Alaska Aerospace Corporation READ MORE >



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