Small Rockets Big Dreams More Spaceports Are Taking Root Across Us
Small rockets, big dreams: More spaceports taking root – Author: Trevor Hughes, USA TODAY – Published: 8:45 PM EDT May 2, 2018 – Updated: 2:26 PM EDT May 3, 2018 WATKINS, Colo. — A ribbon of concrete runway on Colorado’s eastern plains is poised to become the cutting edge of civilian spaceflight if local boosters realize their long-held dreams to travel anywhere in the world […]
Letter Editor Public Input Will Be Included Spaceport’s Assessment
Greetings from your neighbors at the Pacific Spaceport Complex – Alaska. On April 4, the Kodiak Daily Mirror printed an article titled “Kodiak Could See 24 Rocket Launches Each Year.” I want to thank the reporter and staff at the Kodiak Daily Mirror for keeping the community informed on the future plans for America’s premier commercial spaceport. The article was well-written and opened the public […]
Alaska Aerospace Clarifies Commercial Aerospace Plans Kodiak
ANCHORAGE, AK: Alaska Aerospace today clarified details pertaining to commercial launch activities and development plans at the Pacific Spaceport Complex – Alaska (PSCA), located on Kodiak Island, following misinformation across social media channels. Alaska Aerospace is responsible for any and all infrastructure development at PSCA, limiting air travel near PSCA, impact to public lands near PSCA and notifying the community of these […]
Kodiak Could See 24 Rocket Launches Each Year
By GABE STUTMAN | 0 comments The Alaska Aerospace Corporation is undertaking a new environmental impact study in order to increase launch capacity at the Pacific Spaceport Complex, according to CEO Craig Campbell. Under the current Launch Site Operator License with the Federal Aviation Administration, the spaceport can accommodate up to nine rockets over a twelve month period. Campbell said he’d […]
Company Test Satellite Launches Kodiak
By ALISTAIR GARDINER Arizona-based small-satellite launch company Vector is planning to carry out its first orbital launches this summer at the Pacific Spaceport Complex-Alaska on Kodiak Island. A Feb. 14 press release stated that the firm’s first orbital launch is planned for July but did not disclose any further details. On Feb. 15, Jim Cantrell, co-founder and CEO of Vector, announced […]
House Finance Budget Subcommittee Presentation
ANCHORAGE, AK: Alaska Aerospace presented the annual state corporation overview to members of the Alaska State Legislature, House of Representatives, Finance Budget Subcommittee for the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs today. Highlighting very positive accomplishments from 2017, Alaska Aerospace President and Chief Executive Officer, Craig E. Campbell, provided the subcommittee with a very optimistic prospect for the coming year. Below is […]
Alaska Aerospace Launch Private Company
By JOANN SNODERLY – The Alaska Aerospace Corporation, a state-owned company, announced early this month its intent to launch a subsidiary called Aurora Launch Services to operate in the private sector. Alaska Aerospace has been pursuing options for a public-private partnership since state funding to the corporation ceased at the close of 2014. “The infrastructure at Kodiak is clearly public infrastructure, but the operating side could be done more … cost-effectively from […]
Alaska Aerospace Launches Aurora Launch Services Company
ANCHORAGE, AK: The Alaska Aerospace Board of Directors has approved a resolution adopting Articles of Organization and Operating Agreement establishing Aurora Launch Services, LLC. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alaska Aerospace, Aurora Launch Services is a major step towards creating a more cost effective, private sector focused business capable of providing niche contract launch services to spaceports worldwide. As the emerging small […]